I’m Alexandra Killworth, a young author based in Gloucestershire. I specialise in young adult novels of a range of genres, with my 4th novel being a bestseller in Teen and Young Adult romance.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

A lot of different places, but mostly other books, artwork and music as well as my own experiences. I’m often inspired by films and TV shows too, and if I have a message to send out to the world, I will write about it- that’s what my fifth book, ‘My Parasite, Ana’ is about. My family often come up with ideas too, and I get plenty of inspiration from being on holiday out in nature.

How do you find the time to write and draw?

I tend to write, draw and study quite quickly so I always have some spare time. I try to set aside at least 5-10 minutes everyday to write, even if it’s just a paragraph. I try to draw at least one piece every week to keep my creative flow going. If it’s important to you, you make the time for it, but don’t force yourself to spend all of your free time doing it.

Why did you become a writer?

Since I was little I was always coming up with random stories. Reading was my way of escaping some difficult times and when I realised that people actually wrote out their stories as a job, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. I had all sorts of ideas that I wanted to get out into the world and tell people. I’ve always been a very shy, introverted person, so this was my way of putting myself out there.

The thing that solidified it for me though was actually finishing my first story, ‘Immunity’. I’d never finished a story before so when it happened, it felt amazing, and I knew I wanted to keep going.

Have you ever put parts of yourself into a book?

I have definitely inserted parts of my personality into almost all of my characters, both good and bad bits. It helps me write them easier and makes them more relatable. In ‘My Parasite, Ana’, I was inspired by my own illness, so I suppose I am channelling a part of myself into it.

What Hogwarts house are you in?

Hufflepuff! As are most of my family too.

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